Sell with C&R

Catch & Release is always hunting for quality vintage clothing and accessories to add to our racks, along with gently-used gear for certain outdoor activities.

If you have items you’re interested in selling, we’d love to take a look at them. Please review the guidelines below before contacting us or bringing anything to the shop.

Selling Guidelines

🍁 We ask that anyone interested in selling please first familiarize yourself with the brands and products we sell by browsing the website.

We are not a “general” vintage seller and therefore would not be interested in many styles of vintage clothing, regardless of condition/value/etc.
Please limit what you bring to us to only items you feel might fit our style.
🍁 We work with sellers generally on a consignment basis, paying 65-75% of our retail price to the seller after the item is purchased by a customer. 

In some cases we may be able to offer sellers an immediate payment of store credit. Cash is only available for very specific items, at our discretion. 
🍁 If you are unable to visit the shop and hoping to sell with us, please send us a message via e-mail or Instagram. Be sure to include pictures of each item you’re hoping to sell. 
E-mail us at